Anti-Spam Policy
OmniSuite has a zero-tolerance policy for unsolicited messages or spam sent by unauthorized users. Such activities violate our terms of service and are strictly prohibited. If you receive any abusive or unsolicited messages, please report them immediately.
To report abuse, send us your mobile number along with the time and date the message was received. If possible, include the content of the message. Upon receiving a complaint, OmniSuite promptly initiates an investigation. All identities involved in the investigation will remain confidential.
OmniSuite does not permit the use of “cold” email/SMS lists or lists that have been purchased.
Enforcement of OmniSuite’s Anti-Spam Policy
All OmniSuite clients must agree to our Terms and Conditions during the registration process for A2P (Application-to-Person) registration and approved sender verification by carriers. OmniSuite tracks information on all sent messages, including the sender and message contents.
Violations of OmniSuite’s Anti-Spam Policy may result in actions ranging from warnings to the termination of services. Terminated clients may also lose access to future services. OmniSuite complies fully with all state and national laws regarding unsolicited messages and spam.
Opting Out/Unsubscribing/Removing Your Mobile Number
Users can unsubscribe from any client’s list at any time by texting “STOP” along with the keyword they signed up for. To unsubscribe from all OmniSuite client lists, text “STOP ALL.”
To report abuse, email
with the following information:
Your mobile number
The content of the message (if available)
The time and date the message was received
Upon verification, we will remove your mobile number from the sender’s list and address the issue with the abuser.
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